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Nuvo Cosmetics Grows, and TRAVERSE from Open Systems Grows With Them

Have you heard of Nuvo Cosmetics International from Doral, Florida? You may have one of their products in your home right now and not even know it.

“We’re called Nuvo Cosmetics,” said Ariel Chavez, Vice President of Nuvo Cosmetics, “but we make all kinds of personal care products including hair care products, bath and body lotions, perfume, and liquid soaps.” Nuvo‘s main business is in private label and sub-contracting, as well as producing product lines for two affiliate companies. One manufacturing plant produces their goods, which are sold globally through three distribution centers in Miami.

Like many growing businesses trying to juggle multiple product lines, locations, and inventory, Nuvo found that they had outgrown the off-the-shelf accounting software they had relied upon in their earlier days. They followed their accountant’s recommendation and looked into Open Systems software.

With the help of Ed Bender, executive business consultant with Open Systems, Nuvo implemented a new TRAVERSE business solution in 2005. “TRAVERSE immediately helped us solve our three most critical business issues,” said Chavez.

Issue 1: Inventory

Nuvo’s need for inventory control was the most critical issue that drove them to replace their previous software. “For a manufacturer, that’s one of the most critical functions, and obviously something Quickbooks and Peachtree couldn’t do.”

TRAVERSE Inventory immediately helped Nuvo take control of the complex flow of products between their factory, their multiple warehouses, and other material providers.

Issue 2: Bills of Material

“TRAVERSE’s ability to create bills of material had an immediate impact on our business,” said Chavez. “The Bills of Material functionality is at the heart and soul of this company. Knowing what a manufacturer has in a transaction and how much it costs is critical for us.”

The key advantage of TRAVERSE’s Bills of Material is that is helps define product structures in terms of materials and provides a connection to plant resources such as machinery, tooling, and labor defined by a bill of routing.

Issue 3: Financial Statements

TRAVERSE also provided Nuvo with a built-in ability to create comprehensive financial statements on demand. Chavez and company no longer had to guess at the health of the company’s bottom line.

“We now have the ability to generate our own financial statements and to know the financial health of the company at any time,” said Chavez.

Nuvo gained immediate returns upon installing TRAVERSE, and have stayed with it since 2005. “We were impressed with the product and its flexibility right away, and the learning curve was amazing.”

Nuvo Faces New Demands with Fresh Technology

Looking forward, Nuvo now has to contend with another in a series of ‘nice problems to have;’ they’ve inked a deal with five major retail chains to provide their products. This means that they will have to be in compliance with the stringent Electronic Document Interchange requirements of large retailers. Fortunately, third-party providers have generated special EDI add-ons for TRAVERSE, taking advantage of the flexible .NET framework.

Nuvo is a thriving company that has bucked the economic outlook of the last few years and continues to grow and conquer new markets. With the flexible and powerful technology of TRAVERSE, their business solution will grow along with them.