Paperless solutions helping local governments run more effectively

As the headlines from across the country have shown, there are a number of specific markets that are adopting a paperless office mentality more quickly than others. Near the top of that list is school systems and local governments.

A recent article in the New Hampshire Union Leader features an interview with Nashua, NH Alderman Brian McCarthy, where he talks about the reasons he believes it is time to "join the 21st century" and go paperless.

McCarthy, the board president, has drafted a proposal that would eliminate the sometimes 100-page weekly packet that is distributed to each board member. In its place will be electronic documentation and city or personally owned tablet devices.

"We have cut back on paper packets substantially, but I am hoping to decrease our paper waste even more," McCarthy told the news source. "Even if we replace the tablets every two years, which could be about $3,700, at that rate our paper bills are actually twice that amount. I think we can do a better service at less cost."

Once the devices are in place, city agendas, meeting minutes and other pertinent packets, presentations and messages will be distributed digitally. This will also allow board members to easily check past meeting material and look up the city charter to review any pending ordinances and resolutions.

If the proposal is approved, the city will need to partner with a document scanning and management service for a helping hand turning all of the existing packets into a digital file.


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