Google urges more businesses to adopt paperless office solutions

In the movement to limit the negative environmental effect of paper documents and save money, more businesses are considering electronic document management solutions that store critical information digitally. One of the tech world’s biggest companies is on board with this trend, and encourages more businesses to think about paperless office solutions.

In a start of the new year blog post, Google challenged businesses nationwide to make the concept of a paperless office their New Year’s resolution for 2013. In fact, the company affirmed its commitment to the Paperless Coalition, a network of organizations that develop products and strategies to help the business community strive for complete digitization.

“It’s a new year, which means new resolutions. If you’re up for saving time, money and trees, going paperless might be a good goal for you in 2013,” wrote Google marketer Meredith Blackwell in the post. She manages outreach for Google Drive, the cloud-based word processor that allows users to share and collaborate on work online – without ever having to print anything out.

Google and its Paperless Coalition partners – which include HelloFax, Xero Accounting Software and Expensify – design products meant to address future paperless office objectives, but in many industries, it is still a challenge to find ways to transition legacy paper records to a digital system.

That is where scanning and imaging services can offer help. Software for document scanning allows office managers to move paper documents to a digital file, bringing a company’s entire records system online. This saves physical space in the office and cuts down on wasteful paper use – according to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of paper annually.


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