The Jackson County Courthouse is not unlike many organizations these days. Located in Illinois, the building is trying to find the most cost-effective and simple way to transfer its numerous paper documents and records into something digital. Paperless office solutions have become more of a necessity with computer systems evolving, and it is important to find an option that meets a business' daily needs.
According to an article in The Southern Illinoisan, State Attorney Mike Carr said that the documents stored in the courthouse basement are secure. Some of the pages, stacked floor-to-ceiling, date back to the 1970s. While a few no longer require storage – old traffic offenses are not critical, he said – others have to be kept forever.
Information concerning old murder cases, for example, must be safely stored, Carr said.
A document scanning program has already been installed on the third-floor in the state attorney's offices, but the lawyer explained that an automated system for storage could cost up to $60,000. However, Carr said that he can make a pragmatic argument for the improvement and funds can come from an office collection.
Judge William Schwartz told the news source that he is aware of the issues from storing paper in the courthouse basement. Even so, each page has a storage cost, he said.
"You want to keep the least amount you can, but be responsible in what you're getting rid of," Schwartz said. "In this day and age of electronics there ought to be an electronic method of storing a lot of this stuff that is unlikely to be needed in the future."
Businesses and organizations across numerous industries can benefit from using document scanning and storage software. That way, the information stays intact and secure, but the bulk of paper can be eliminated.
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