For anyone not familiar with the advances in today's technology, the thought of a paperless office means scanning all documents to improve document storage and free up some space, but not much more than that. It is easy to understand why this may be the case, but converting old documents to a digital format and getting incoming information through electronic forms can open up a new way of doing business and its name is Big Data.
It today's digital world, the access to raw information is growing and what is contained in physical documents can be invaluable data in this new age. A recent article from Computer Weekly examined how this is the case.
"Paper-based information is not often thought about in today's Big Data picture, which tends to focus on the proliferation of unstructured data from sources such as blogs, social media and video that is growing at exponential rates compared to traditional enterprise data," the article reads. "Yet paper documents are an important part of corporate business operations, often containing valuable information that must be captured, stored, organized and analyzed."
Despite how much experts build it up, paper is still a critical part of how many of today's business run and ignoring that in a Big Data solutions is a mistake.
To take advantage of "big paper" businesses first need a document scanning and management solution. This could mean partnering with a bulk scanning service to convert existing paperwork. Once that is complete, the data can be integrating it into a business intelligence solution that can start breaking down the information and finding important trends.
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