Why businesses should protect their paperless office solutions

Once a business implements electronic data processes, the next step for executives is to safeguard their digital assets to ensure strong work productivity for an extended period of time.

Electronic document management systems are more secure than paper files, but ultimately, the information in any system is only as safe as a company allows it to be. In conjunction with the business process software, digital asset management (DAM) will streamline operations, safeguard a company's reputation with their clients and reduce costs, CMS Wire explains.

DAM, like many electronic processes, consists of multiple tasks like annotation of files within a server and the retrieval and distribution of company information, as well as managing the system's overall functionality. DAM is meant to be a cyber security measure—protecting the company from future data breaches and theft. 

Over time, businesses will upload many files and documents into the system, which means that "more than ever, there is direct need for DAM to serve as a core application within the enterprise to manage these assets," CMS Wire contributor John Horodyski writes.

Actively updating a company's DAM will ensure that all information is stored in the correct folders and shared with the appropriate staffers. These tasks may take up a lot of time at first, but IT departments should set up a framework that works for all employees who are responsible for adding new files into the system.

Each time a file is scanned, it should be labeled to ensure it is stored in the right location for the department that relies on these documents. In the world of IT, they call it metadata. Forgetting to input metadata tags for each file can make it difficult for companies to find the paperwork in the future. A lack of organization and structure will complicate an employee's workflow.

Nowadays, cyber security is essential for all businesses. Firewalls and anti-viruses must be supported with passwords and encryption. Chief information officers (CIO) have to work with senior staffers to know which crew member deserves what level of clearance. 

Proper document hosting can expedite compliance requests with executives, clients and local governments. Electronic document management is becoming a larger part of a business' operations.


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