Why print out documents that can easily be seen from a secure server?
There's no doubt that document scanning systems improve work productivity in the office, because when businesses don't adopt these systems, they lose out on work space that could be dedicated to other operations. Another problem is that some employees continue to complete a majority of their tasks using pen and paper, even if there are paperless office solutions available.
In fact, about 74 percent of organizations see the benefits of using paper management software, but only 24 percent of them are enforcing these efforts company-wide, according to the Association for Information and Image Management (AIIM). Its recent Industry Watch report showed that people are utilizing these programs, but still prefer to complete certain tasks the traditional way.
This ongoing tug-of-war among these two opinions, along with a lack of enterprise-wide efforts to go paperless, allows individual departments to choose if they want to implement paperless office solutions. Despite the fact there is evidence that using software to manage these files can increase response times between divisions by four times—possibly five times faster—it only takes everyone using their programs on a consistent basis.
If staff members cannot come to an agreement on how to share their records, long-term inefficiencies could result. Colleagues are unable to take advantage of quickly looking through shared files, instead employees have to spend time searching for copies for files in a large storage unit.
How can people truly streamline operations if they are looking through dated-folders all day? AIIM's study proved that almost 50 percent of respondents want to save time looking for documents. Solve this issue by implementing a paperless office solution that can search through all of the office's documents.
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