City councilmen fights for paperless adoption

Going paperless saves you money in the long run. This is the main argument for companies tossing out the stacks of paper and bringing in tablets and computers as a way to share information and documents.

According to a recent article in The Sun News, a Cleveland area newspaper, this is also the reasoning behind Parma City Council Clerk Ken Ramser's plan for council members. Desperate to save some money, Ramser has taken several steps, some unpopular, to get there.

Currently, the budget does not have the room to replace old-fashioned paper ordinances with electronic legislation by purchasing iPads or laptops for each member of the city council. To help reach the goal, Ramser proposed a $500-a-year cap for each council member when it comes to making copies, fliers and mailing invitations.

The reason for this interest is the perceived wasted funds because of paper copies and duplications. The current budget has $4,000 set aside for such needs, on top of the $4,500 appropriated for each council member. This also does not include the $10,000 for outside printing costs. Then there is the mailing and postage line item, which is set at $4,000.

According to Ramser, other councils in Ohio have shifted towards a paperless system by making legislation packets digital and using email instead of traditional mail and have saved upwards of $17,000. He also mentioned how productivity has improved by removing the need to copy and bind every page of a packet prior to a council meeting, as well as, being able to project ordinances and memos onto screens while they are being discussed.

For a paperless approach to work, however, an organization needs to ensure every document reaches a digital format. With the help of scanning and imaging services, companies can make sure no document is missed.


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