Advisory firm in Napa Valley benefits from a paperless office

Businesses that transition from filing cabinets to a paperless office save themselves a lot of time previously spent manually completing administrative tasks, many of which are now done more efficiently through the support of document hosting software.

Adoption may require some additional time upfront on their part, but they can greatly reduce their efforts as they become more accustomed to a document management provider who can complete these tasks for them.

For Daniel's Harvest Financial in Napa Valley California, owner Chal Daniels found that he was able to spend less time communicating with the California Department of Corporations, the organization's broker-dealer. The 10 foot by 10 foot records storage room became the home of another full-time employee, further streamlining the business' operations. 

"By going paperless, I can spend more time with clients listening and finding their solutions," Daniels told Financial Advisor Magazine. "That is what any office system is all about,"

Transitioning toward the electronic document management system took Daniels and his team a year and a half, but Daniels plans on expanding electronic services for his clients by adding e-signatures. About 25 percent of his contacts prefer receiving electronic statements. Daniels noted that, "[s]ome people think it is more secure to get paper; that is not logical in my mind."

Daniel's Harvest Financial has been operating on this new platform for at least six years and has seen other benefits like a reduction in insurance costs. Companies that are considering paperless office solutions can find the resources they need to get started with the help of an electronic document management provider.


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