2002.01.24 - Notifications of Upcoming SeaPort Requirements Now Available
Notifications of upcoming SeaPort requirements are now available on the
SeaPort Calendar. The SeaPort program office will post notifications of upcoming SeaPort requirements, on a test basis, as they become available. All of the descriptions for the notifications will be posted under the date for the first Saturday of each month. For example, the SeaPort program office may learn of an upcoming SeaPort requirement on 28 January 2002. A notification of this upcoming requirement would be posted on this day, but the actual description of the requirement would be located on 5 January 2002, because this is the first Saturday of January. By posting all of the notification descriptions under the first Saturday of each month, those looking for advance notifications will only need to look at one day in a month's calendar instead of having to search the entire month's calendar. The notification of an upcoming SeaPort requirement will be deleted from the SeaPort calendar as soon as possible after the solicitation is released.
Note: The posting of notifications of upcoming SeaPort requirements is taking place on a test basis. Without further notice, the SeaPort program office may cease to post notifications of upcoming requirements. Only those upcoming requirements that the SeaPort program office knows about will be posted. The notifications of upcoming requirements on the SeaPort calendar are not meant to be inclusive of all of the upcoming SeaPort requirements. Solicitations may be posted to Auction Services without previous notification being provided on the SeaPort calendar. Notifications of future requirements on the SeaPort calendar may not translate into a solicitation. For all open solicitations, please view the Auction Services portion of SeaPort. |