FAQs for Contractors
1. How do I access the SeaPort portal?
How do I become a contractor in the SeaPort or SeaPort-e programs?
3. How do I invoice the Government?
4. How do I request a debrief?
How do I report a problem with the SeaPort e-procurement portal?
How do I report a problem with the SeaPort web site?
What if I can not connect to the SeaPort portal during a bid event?
Whom do I contact concerning Multiple Award Contract (MAC) issues?
9. Why should I use SeaPort?
How do I download a SeaPort solicitation?
How do I upload my SeaPort proposal?
Why can't I view Auction Services?
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1. How do I access the SeaPort portal?
At contract award, a company e-business point of contact was established based upon submitted proposals. Your company's point of contact has the authority to provide user login and password for all members of that prime contractor's team, including individuals from that company and subcontractors. Subcontractors should contact their prime contractor's point of contact in order to gain access to the SeaPort. Only current prime contractors and their team members may have access to the portal.
2. How do I become a contractor in the SeaPort or SeaPort-e programs?
In accordance with the respective SeaPort and SeaPort-e contracts, the Government reserves the right to review contracts periodically to determine whether it would be appropriate to reissue a solicitation for the purpose of adding additional IDIQ holders. If after this review, it is in the best interest of the government, the PCO may announce a new competition to add additional IDIQ holders.
A prime Contractor may add or delete any team member from the team with a prior contract modification signed by the PCO. If you are interested in becoming a subcontractor on a SeaPort MAC team, please notify the
sub-contractor points of contact for the individual teams.
For all information regarding Rolling Admissions, please visit
Rolling Admissions process information page.
3. How do I invoice the Government?
Invoices should be sent to your Administrative Contracting Officer (ACO) for payment through the appropriate DFAS payment office. A copy of each invoice should be submitted to the Task Order Manager (TOM) or as specified in the individual task order.
4. How do I request a debrief?
Award of task orders under these IDIQ contracts are not governed by FAR Part 15, but the issuing contracts office identified in the Task Order solicitation will accommodate requests for award determination information to the maximum extent possible. Please contact the contract specialist and/or PCO in charge of the bid event for information regarding the award determination.
5. How do I report a problem with the SeaPort-e portal?
To report a problem with the SeaPort-e portal, please login to your account and select the Helpdesk tab. From there, you may complete a web form describing your issue, which will then be routed to the appropriate contacts. If you are unable to log in, please contact your local administrator, who can reset your password. If your local administrator is unavailable, you may send a help request to navseasupport@aquilent.com.
6. How do I report a problem with the SeaPort web site (www.seaport.navy.mil)?
To report a problem with this www.seaport.navy.mil web site, please contact the site webmaster.
7. What if I can not connect to the SeaPort portal during a bid event?
In the event that the SeaPort portal is not operational, experiences technical difficulties, or a contractor is temporarily unable to access or use the system, the Contractor shall immediately notify the PCO identified in the Task Order solicitation. The PCO shall allow manual submission of written proposals in these circumstances. Absent technical difficulties, all proposals shall be submitted electronically in accordance with the procedures set in the ordering clause of the respective contract.
8. Whom do I contact concerning MAC issues?
For a complete list of contacts, please visit our
Contact page.
9. Why should I use SeaPort?
Read about the
benefits of SeaPort.
10. How do I download a SeaPort solicitation?
For information on downloading a SeaPort task order solicitation, please consult the Vendor Portal User Guide, which is accessible via the Help page within the Portal (login required).
11. How do I upload my SeaPort proposal?
For information on submitting your proposal through SeaPort, please consult the Vendor Portal User Guide (accessible via the Help page within the Portal).
12. Why can't I view the SeaPort-e Vendor Portal?
The latest version of the SeaPort Vendor Portal is compatible with Internet Explorer version 6 or higher. If you are using an unsupported browser to access the vendor portal, you will need to use a different Internet browser. If you do not have a different Internet browser, you can download an appropriate version of Internet Explorer at http://www.microsoft.com/downloads.
If the system indicates that there are no auctions for you to bid on at this time, it is possible that you have not been added to the appropriate security group. Please contact navseasupport@aquilent.com if there are questions.